Weirdo 4 Life is Born!
In the summer of 2008, I had an unforgettable journey to Yellowstone National Park, where the wilderness and wildlife greeted me with open arms. As I wandered through the park’s rugged terrain, I encountered a diverse array of nature lovers, each with their own unique passions.
Among them were the “weirdos” – individuals whose enthusiasm for animals and the great outdoor set them apart from others. These folks could be found at every turn, armed with binoculars and field guides, eagerly scanning the landscape for glimpses of a black bear, a wolf, or a herd of bison.
One particularly memorable encounter occurred during a hike, where I found myself in the company of self-proclaimed “wolf enthusiasts.” Dressed in outdoor gear and armed with high-powered telescopes, they shared with me stories of Yellowstone’s iconic wolf packs, their eyes shining with a mix of passion and excitement.
It was in this moment, I realized that in Yellowstone, it’s the passionate souls – the “weirdos” – who truly bring its wild natural beauty to life. And in their company, I felt a sense of belonging unlike anything I have experienced before. This is when Weirdo 4 Life was born.

(The Original Weirdo & Founder)